Open Area Cutting Request Reponse

August 31st, 2007

Below is the response from CCM regarding requests to cut the grass in common open area:


August 29, 2007

To: Hilltop Farms Homeowner’s
From: Continuing Care Management

RE: Request to cut common open area

Dear Homeowner,

I have received requests to cut common open area and reviewed it with the board. As Hilltop Farms has many acres of common area, the HOA has budgeted and contracted with a landscaping company to cut all lawns on a weekly basis. Besides the lawns, there are also many acres of common open area that the HOA did not budget to be cut nor was it ever intended to be cut from Pulte’s (the developers) perspective. At this time, the 2007 budget does not have the funds allocated to cut any more area than what was negotiated this past spring with the landscaping company for the 2007 season. The HOA will look at cutting common open areas on an as needed basis in 2008, although this may have an effect on the overall condominium fees should the HOA proceed in cutting these areas.

Please call me with any questions at 508 898-3431.

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